Working with Cornell MBAs…

About two months ago, Seth and I were talking about how we might find some help doing market research in the retail industry for our advertising service. We have this great idea for an ad-serving technology and want to make sure it has some receptiveness in the market by some of our target consumers. We decided to shoot an email to our Cornell network to see if anybody knows of a class in the MBA program (Johnson School of Management) that might be willing to help us (a start-up) do some work. I received an email back about a month ago from one of the professors in the MBA program that runs a consulting class for students who want to work with companies of varying sizes. She asked me to submit a form with a brief description of our business and the proposed project. I submitted the form about two weeks ago and received an email this week saying that two MBAs have chosen our company to work with and perform some market research to support out hypothesis that retailers are going to be interested in our advertising service. We are going to start working with them this week. We’re very excited about the opportunity to work with some very smart MBA students and validate some of our preliminary assumptions about our service we are hoping to build. We’ll keep you posted… JT