OnCard Marketing rebranding as RevTrax

We’ve been discussing changing our corporate name, OnCard Marketing, for a while now. The decision didn’t happen overnight but happened more gradually as our business model moved away from tracking advertising on credit cards. The decision gained speed over the last couple months as I started having more and more conversations with potential customers who were confused that our business didn’t actually have anything to do with credit cards or gift cards. As of July 21st, OnCard Marketing will begin doing business as RevTrax. The corporate and legal name will continue as OnCard Marketing to avoid unnecessary legal fees. The press release for the new name announcement can be found here. As far as the new name goes, RevTrax was born out of our desire to create a simple name that reflected our corporate vision of tracking revenues associated with advertising, while not focusing on a particular type of tracking technology like we did with the OnCard name. Please check out our new corporate website (very similar to the old one) at www.revtrax.com.